The Graduate Student Conference Committee of Comparative Literature & Hispanic Studies Programs & Migration and Ethnic Relations Collaborative Graduate Specialization at Western University is pleased to share the program for this year's joint Conference Roots on Routes: Environment, Identity and Space.

Keynote Speakers:

Jennifer Long - MacEwan University

Jenna Robar - YMCA Toronto

Victoria Jara - Western University

Surveyor Efic - Climate Poet

The interior landscape responds to the character and subtlety of an exterior landscape; the shape of the individual mind is affected by land as it is by genes (Barry Lopez).
Roots on Routes: Environment, Identity and Space
Instagram: @rootsonroutes2024 

Annual Graduate Student Conferente 2024
Comparative Literature and Hispanic Studies (Langauges and Cultures)
Migration and Ethnic Relations (Collaborative Graduate Specialization)
Western University 
London, Ontario 
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